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Web Project Properties In Visual Studio For Mac

воскресенье 15 марта admin 27

Building Games using Unity. Newly announced at Build, Visual Studio for Mac now helps you create games using C#,.NET, and Unity. When paired with Unity 5.6.1 you have full support to build and debug games from within the IDE, including support for: Project support, to easily browse and find your scripts.

Re: Web Application and Web Site project in Visual Studio 2017

Mar 12, 2018 10:45 AMDA924LINK


Sorry, but I have to say that this is a very shallow explanation. Web Application compiles into a single assembly which could be very large (several hundreds of Mb) and that leads to startup performance problem. Web Site however solves the problem by modulizing each page/folder into a single assembly; and it also brings very easy and simple update process. That's what I understood for the past years.

I know that the new trend is cross platform .NET Core. But why does this new thing favor no-so-good single assembly model?

Sorry, but I have to say that this is a very shallow explanation. Jpg to pdf converter cnet download for mac. Web Application compiles into a single assembly which could be very large (several hundreds of Mb) and that leads to startup performance problem

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Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. ASP.NET Web form pages can be precompiled that reduces startup time, and ASP.MVC UI(s) use solely HTML that reduces startup time as there is no code behind file attached to it.

And Web applications DO NOT compile into a single assembly not if the developer knows how to implement Separation of Concerns by using UI design patterns such a Model View Presenter, Model View Controller or Model View View Model along with using N-tier and Layered architectural design patterns and NOT doing tight coupling with everything jammed in the aspx.cs code behind file, which all the UI design patterns can be used in ASP.NET Web UI solutions.

I know that the new trend is cross platform .NET Core. But why does this new thing favor no-so-good single assembly model?

I suggest that you really understand Object Oriented Programming and how to architect, because if you knew half of it, you wouldn't be asking the questions that you are asking and not knowing what you are talking about.

BTW, most Web development is dedicated to the MS orLinux platforms no matter how much MS tries to come up with some cross platform solution. :)

We recently had to switch on our Mac to develop our Universal iOS application there, since the project property pages (more specifically the 'iOS Application' page) messes up the project settings and reads them just wrong.

To be detailled, we observed the following problems:

  • Launcher Icons put in an Asset are simply not recognized and the icon is lost when building an iOS application from Visual Studio, resulting in the default white / gray lines icon of apps.
  • The iPad Main Interface is read erroneously and is never the one set up (we switched to a storyboard, but it always puts in an old XIB in the combobox. It works for the iPhone Main Interface funnily).
  • The iTunes artwork is not recognized if the files end on a .png extension, our image files are named iTunesArtwork.png and [email protected]
  • Another issue: If Entitlements.plist is missing from the project, the Entitlement page is completely disabled, with no hint on why, and no possibility to create it from there. We figured that out manually.

We wouldn't care much about the VS property page being buggy since more than a year now, if Xamarin Studio on the mac wouldn't need 15 minutes to build our app..

Do you think you can fix the property page in VS and make it up to date? Editing the properties in Xamarin Studio works flawlessy.
Just opening the property page in VS messes up the project settings as described.