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Star Trek Armada For Mac

четверг 05 марта admin 56

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General Links:
Game Fixes:
Armada 2 Game Updates
Official Armada 2 v1.1 Patch[12.7 MB]
Armada 2 v1.1 [ENGLISH/GERMAN] No-CD/Fixed EXE12-01-2010
DOCa Cola
File Archive [1.0 MB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Apply the official Armada 2 v1.1 Patch.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.1 [ENGLISH/GERMAN] No-CD Loader24-05-2007
DOCa Cola
File Archive [11 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Apply the official Armada 2 v1.1 Patch.
  • Extract the ARMADA2NCD.EXE loader from the File Archive to the game directory.
  • Execute ARMADA2NCD.EXE to play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.1 [ENGLISH] No-CD Patch13-03-2002
File Archive [1.3 MB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Apply the official Armada 2 v1.1 Patch.
  • Extract the CRACK11.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
  • Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: ARMADA2.EXE
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.1 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE #222-02-2002
File Archive [1.3 MB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Apply the official Armada 2 v1.1 Patch.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.1 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE30-01-2002
File Archive [1.2 MB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Apply the official Armada 2 v1.1 Patch.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.0 [GERMAN] No-CD/Fixed EXE10-12-2001
Myth & ?
File Archive [1.2 MB]
File Archive [32 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Extract the PATCHFX.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
  • Execute the Patch to apply the patch to: ARMADA2.EXE
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.0 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE #203-12-2001
File Archive [1.3 MB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.0 [ENGLISH] No-CD Patch30-11-2001
File Archive [1.2 MB] - Myth
File Archive [16 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Extract the PATCHFX.EXE Patch from the File Archive to the game directory.
  • Execute the Patch to remove the CD-Check from: ARMADA2.EXE
  • Play the Game!
Armada 2 v1.0 [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed EXE30-11-2001
File Archive [1.2 MB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Replace the original ARMADA2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive.
  • Play the Game!
Note:Replace the .BIK files with the ones from the File Archive to downsize the installation.


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Fleet Operations is a popular skirmish and multiplayer orientated total conversion modification for Activision's real-time strategy game Star Trek Armada II. A small hotfix to fix a bug with wormholes, a particular type of Dilithium Moon, and some maps that were rendered unplayable in the recent patch. Dejero liveplus. In summary, Star Trek: Armada is a game that keeps your pulse moving and your mind working as well. Both the action and strategy does justice to the Star Trek story and offers a new perspective to anyone who's kept up with the show throughout the years. For Star Trek fans, the game is a necessity.

This thread has been created to compile the installation instructions for Armada 2, for any of the events we host -- this includes stock Armada 2 events, as well as Fleet Operations.
While you can get Star Trek Armada 2 to run on Windows 7 with fairly minor adjustments, you might still have problems with your graphics and you won't be able to connect in multiplayer mode. By following these instructions you'll have 3 different options to play STA 2:
1) Armada 2 'original' game play with multiplayer option using the 1.1 and 1.25 patch with multiplayer mode by connecting through Tunngle.
2) In Fleet Ops mode, with multiplayer mode by connecting through Tunngle.
3) In Classic mode using the Classic mod, with multiplayer mode by connecting through Tunngle.
This setup has been installed by 3 different members on their systems and tested by playing single, instant action and multiplayer games.
If these instructions don't work, or you have trouble understanding them, please contact myself or a member of the Tactical staff. Also, if you find something which enables your game to work after a problem, please report the fix for your problem.
Basically you'll be installing 2 mods onto the orginal STA2 game by following the following steps:
(for detailed instructions and links continue down)
1 - Clean install STA 2 from the origanal cd.
2 - Update the game to 1.1 by using the origanal patch.
3 - Update the game to 1.25 by using the unofficial patch.
4 - If you want to play multiplayer games: download and install Tunngle.
If all you want to play is the most original form of Armada 2, then you need not go any further than this.
You can play the campagin, single player en multiplayer games (using Tunngle to connect) with this version.
If you want to try out the mods that were made for Armada 2, then you also have to complete the following steps:

5 - Download and install the STA 2 Fleet Operations mod v 3.2.7
6 - Download and install the STA 2 Classic gameplay mod (if you want to use this).
7 - When you start STA 2 choose 'Options' from the main menu. You will see a choice of 2 different types of gameplay: Fleet Ops and Classic. Choose what you what to play and you will go to the main menu of that mod.
8 - Once again: if you want to play multiplayer games: download and install Tunngle.
Please Note: You MUST install all of the above in this order!
Installing STA 2 is a simple matter of inserting the cd into your pc and hitting autorun. After you have installed the game, make sure to patch the game to 1.1. (official patch) and then further on to 1.25 (unofficial patch).
Multiplayer access is a problem with just the 1.1 patch (it crashes), but with the 1.25 patch you can do multiplayer games using Tunngle. Sometimes the intro graphics are distorted, but the main menu shows up without any problems. This should enable you to play the game in single player mode, so long as you have your CD in.
Known Issues.
1) If a pop up appears after trying to launch the game, stating that you 'don't have enough RAM', then make sure to check the options, within the properties of the shortcut you are using -- 'Run as Administrator' as well as set the compatibility mode to 'Windows XP Service Pack 3'.
2) Some graphic distortion can take place, especially if you're running 2 monitors simultaneously on your system.
You can download the Star Trek: Armada 2 Official 1.1 Patch by clicking HERE
You can download the Star Trek: Armada 2 Unofficial 1.25 Patch by clicking HERE
Once Star Trek: Armada 2 is installed, it is very easy to install Fleet Operations -- once you have downloaded the Fleet Operations installer, follow the instructions to install the mod. This will install the mod into a seperate folder, so you don't need to create a seperate install for the mod.
Most recent mod version:
To learn more about the Fleet Ops mod and how it changes Armada 2 gameplay, click on the following link:
To play in multiplayer mode you will need to download and install Tunngle. A basic free version is available from the Tunngle website:
You will have to make a (free) account.
Please note: It is possible that Fleet Ops will flag up your virus scanner, as long as you have downloaded from the FleetOps website, we can guarantee that it is clean. Head to HERE for more information.
This mod is from 2011 and updates STA 2 so you have near perfect classic gameplay and multiplayer functionality through Tunngle.
Download the mod from the site:
Once you've downloaded it, unzip the files. Then go to the STA 2 Fleet Ops folder.
Create in the Data folder a new folder called 'mods'.
Copy the file STA 2 Classic mod files into the 'mods' folder.
Run the STA 2 Fleep Ops .exe file, once in the menu go to 'Options', choose the STA 2 mod you want to play, then you'll go to the main menu of the mod you chose.
If you want to start or join a multiplayer game, you need to launch Tunngle before you start STA 2.
I'm running STA2 patched up to v 1.25 with the Fleet Ops mod and the Classic mod installed over that on Windows 10 and haven't encountered any problems, apart from slightly flickering graphics at the start.
Previously, within Starfleet Reserves there were multiple tests, to test the multipayer run using the STA 2 Fleet Ops mod and the Classic mod connecting via Tunngle and were able to enjoy a great game with any hitches.
If you do have any further queries, or problems to do with Starfleet Tactical or Armada 2, please contact myself or one of the other SF Tactical Officers.
With thanks to Marcus_NL for updating my original thread.Trek
Starfleet Tactical Supervising Officer